
Interactive Survey Methodology and Design Best Practices

If you’re looking for survey ideas, some survey design best practices, or just want to learn how to make a good survey, then you’ve come to the right place. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how interactive surveys can revamp your surveys and improve the respondent experience!

2024-05-29T14:54:37+00:00March 7, 2019|Blogs|

Preventing Military Suicide: How to Spot the Warning Signs and Help Service Members

If we want to play a role in military suicide prevention, we need to know how to help veterans and service members by becoming well-versed in the warning signs of suicide. With these statistics and tools, you can play a role in preventing suicide from touching the lives of our service members.

2024-01-18T16:56:13+00:00December 4, 2018|Blogs|

Season’s Greetings! How to Write a Great Survey Introduction

Writing good survey introductions can be the key to getting respondents to fill out your survey. With these tips, you’ll learn how to write a survey introduction that’s catchy and will effectively convince your respondents to participate in your survey.

2024-01-18T16:00:36+00:00December 4, 2018|Blogs|

Are Interactive Surveys Worth the Time and Effort?

As valuable as surveys are to researchers, it can be hard to come up with survey ideas that capture the attention of respondents. With interactive surveys, you can start making surveys that are fun, engaging, and will garner valuable answers from your respondents.

2024-01-18T15:55:48+00:00November 6, 2018|Blogs|

5 Survey Questions That Will Scare Your Respondents Away

Writing a survey may seem simple, but it’s all too easy to write bad survey questions that confuse and frustrate your audience. When you know how to avoid these common survey question mistakes, you’ll be able to consistently create surveys that connect with respondents and yield good results.

2024-01-18T16:22:33+00:00October 22, 2018|Blogs|
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