
Multiplying Through Division

Explore how separating survey programming from sample procurement while partnering with dedicated survey specialists can enhance operational efficiency, and allow for innovative, custom solutions that set your brand apart. Dive into the advantages of this strategy, its immediate improvements on project outcomes, and how it paves the way for long-term success in market research.

2024-06-05T21:09:17+00:00June 4, 2024|Blogs, Resources|

Cost Per Interview “Streamlining”:
Using Six Sigma Principles To Save Money On Trackers and Large Volume Market Research Studies

Finding cost-saving solutions wherever you can is paramount. The Six Sigma methodology, with its emphasis on process improvement and efficiency, provides a valuable framework to examine spend and can be beneficial in the context of online market research costs.

2024-03-25T18:54:26+00:00March 25, 2024|Blogs|

Jibunu Launches MR-LEAP: A Market Research Efficiency Platform

In a fitting announcement for Leap Day, Jibunu unveiled MR-LEAP (Leveraged Effort for Accelerated Productivity), a groundbreaking combination of process and tools designed to redefine efficiency in survey programming services

2024-03-18T21:54:41+00:00February 29, 2024|News|

Jibunu, Leading Market Research Tech and Survey Programming Company, Unveils New Brand Identity, Digital Experience

Jibunu launches a brand identity positioning the company for future growth, and a better demonstration of their client and partner value proposition.

2024-02-01T20:01:55+00:00January 23, 2024|News|
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