Welcome to the latest edition of Jibu-News where we keep you up to date on the latest and greatest updates to our tools, features, and services!

Survey Question & Exercise Demo

Check out our newly updated demo! Whether you need the basics, advanced, or completely custom questions and exercises, we can deliver. If you need something that you don’t see, please let us know. Chances are we have done it or something similar and we can offer you solutions and guidance to make your project a success.


New Emoji Video Reaction Tool

Experience the future of video feedback with our innovative video reaction tool. Respondents can now express their feelings and emotions in real-time using a range of emojis, providing accurate and detailed feedback at precise moments in the video. As with all our tools, the emoji video rating tool can be customized to meet your specific needs. Demo coming soon!


AI Capabilities Announcement

Last month we announced our AI capabilities. Leveraging our extensive expertise in software development you can now utilize AI tools powered by industry-leading AI models, including ChatGPT, DALL-E, Llama, Titan, and more!

• Chatbots

• Image and Concept Generation

• Open-end Coding

• Custom AI Solutions Development

Shout Out on “The Exchange”

These capabilities were mentioned in the latest episode of The Exchange with Karen Lynch and Lenny Murphy. Watch the episode here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05glYbUb35Y&t=1485s

Multiplying Through Division

This article highlights the advantages of hiring survey programming specialists rather than relying on sample providers. Partnering with a dedicated survey programming company can enhance data quality, operational efficiency, and budget predictability while allowing for innovative custom solutions that will set you apart.

5 critical reasons you should be hiring dedicated, survey programming specialists instead of lumping programming in with your sample provider.


Previous Jibu-News Highlights

  • A Message from our President – In a LinkedIn video, we identified 3 challenges people are dealing with in their research: creating operational efficiency, integrating AI thoughtfully, and standing out to your boss and clients. Jibunu addresses these concerns with our MR-Leap program, API access, and AI services integration. To learn more book a meeting.
  • Report Viewer Update – Respondent duration by page and median duration by page reports now offer filtering functionality. You can learn more about the reports available in JUMP here.
  • Are You Using AI For the Sake Of AI? – The temptation to jump on the AI train is real. But hold on! Rushing into AI adoption without careful consideration can lead to missed opportunities and wasted resources. See what you should be asking yourself before you dive into AI. Read blog.

About Jibunu

Jibunu is a pioneer of technology-enabled research services. Since 2003, they have provided superior survey programming and research tool development. Behind their services sits a software company that can design and develop custom market research tools and methodologies to meet each client’s needs. Their unique blend of technology utilization, creativity, and industry knowledge, allows jibunu to deliver novel research methods that improve the experience of the respondent, researcher, analyst, and client. Learn more www.jibunu.com.